


場合分け IF(関数)

場合分け IF(関数)






(Web上ではリボンの機能が使えませんので数式を手入力していただければ確認いただけます。) セルI2には

















Shiftキーを押したまま『ね』で<、Shiftキーを押したまま『る』で>が入力できます。 キーボードのキーの配置位置はパソコンによって若干の違いがあります。(上の画像はwindows10 のソフトキーボード) 。


論理式によく使われるのが比較演算子です。 IF関数 を参照ください。

= (等号) 左辺と右辺が等しい A1=B1
> (~より大きい) 左辺が右辺よりも大きい A1>B1
< (~より小さい) 左辺が右辺よりも小さい A1
>= (~以上) 左辺が右辺以上である A1>=B1
<= (~以下) 左辺が右辺以下である A1<=B1
<> (不等号) 左辺と右辺が等しくない A1<>B1





AND関数やOR関数など真偽値を返すものも論理式に使用することが可能です。 if関数 おまけ(and関数 or関数) も参考になりますので参照してみてください。

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Prada, at 23.6 times forward earnings, is more expensive than Burberry and LVMH but earnings growth expectations are higher: on average, analysts expect Prada's earnings to grow a fifth next year, or about 50 percent quicker than LVMH or Burberry.
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For those not within range of sight, the firing of 103 shots from cannons are expected to be heard exploding across the city — 62 from the Tower of London and 41 from Green Park, AFP reports. The Union Jack flag will also be hoisted from government buildings across Britain.
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With veteran forward Cal Clutterbuck (leg cut) likely to make his Islander debut Friday in Chicago, and with Donovan and Nelson playing big minutes, another rookie, defenseman Griffin Reinhart, is a candidate for demotion in order to make room on the roster. Capuano would not reveal the decision after the victory.
2021年11月16日 20時45分
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Kidd must have thought that made for a good sound bite because it’s utter nonsense. He was smart enough on the court to know what play to call and when. But he should know from experience that he needs to be the only voice in the huddle, unlike what was going on during timeouts in the playoff collapse against Chicago when everyone had a say. Unless it’s an assistant making a recommendation, Kidd shouldn’t hang a suggestion box on his office door. Now more than ever he needs to remember: Players play and coaches coach.
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Mr Osborne also defended the Government's Help to Buy mortgage support scheme, after the announcement that the second phase of the scheme is to be launched within weeks, three months ahead of schedule.
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Shapiro has regularly represented clients seeking treatment for drug addiction since his son Brent died from chemical dependence disease in 2005. The following year, Shapiro founded the Brent Shapiro Foundation for Alcohol and Drug Awareness, which has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for awareness, treatment and research related to addiction issues.
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Boston knotted it up against Rays closer Fernando Rodney in the ninth. Rodney gave up a walk and a hit to start the inning. A bunt put runners on second and third and the Rays elected to play their infield back and Boston tied the game up on Pedroia’s ground ball to shortstop. “That was a difficult choice right there,” Maddon said, “but ... I thought it best to concede one run and live for the bottom of the ninth.” 
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When Harvey walked off the mound after a 1-2-3 second, it all felt like just another day at work for the Mets’ star. In fact, he didn’t notice the crowd cheering louder; he kept his head down even as many fans stood up to applaud.
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Iran can circumvent some of the obstacles to transferring money internationally by using money dealers, although that is expensive, costing on average 5 percent of the amount and sometimes up to 8 percent, Emadi said.
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There is, at present, no known terrorist group in the United States that has the organization and human resources to assemble an operation of the complexity and scale of the Mumbai attack. Furthermore, in Mumbai, local police were poorly trained and unequipped to handle such an incident. Police in the United States are better prepared and have gained experience as result of dealing with domestic shooting incidents, which means police would intervene more promptly to rapidly resolve the episode. A terrorist shooter would be confronted by a heavily armed response, already on the scene in many venues.
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Sarasin said the themes it sought to mine evolved over the years, as its analysts and managers responded to new technologies and trends. So, for example, while &ldquo;offshoring&rdquo; was a major trend in the Nineties and early part of this century, Sarasin has now identified a new, reverse trend, which it terms &ldquo;going glocal&rdquo;.
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Still, were the tables turned, France would likely put more roadblocks in the path of the bidder for a home-grown company. After all, Paris pledged to do all it could to block the sale of even yoghurt-maker Danone in 2005, calling it &ldquo;the flower of our industry&rdquo;. And only this year it blocked Yahoo!&rsquo;s attempts to buy video website Dailymotion on the grounds of protecting the country&rsquo;s tech industry.
2021年11月16日 23時16分
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A sworn affidavit signed by U.S. Magistrate Judge Joan Azrack of the federal court in Brooklyn said there were two front doors to the residence on Gerritsen Ave. and accurately stated the suspect lived in the apartment “to the right.”
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Apparently, the search engine was originally set to be christened ‘BackRub’. So if you’re a grammar purist who’s irked by the shift from proper noun to everyday doing word, just be thankful we’re not saying ‘shall I BackRub that for you?’.  It just doesn’t have the same ring to it.
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Organisers have offered their condolences to the victim's relatives in a statement: "Everyone at The Warehouse Project are devastated about the news and our condolences are with his family. We are assisting the police with their ongoing inquiries surrounding the circumstances of the man's death."
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And if baseball is right about this, and its sanctions are upheld by an arbitrator named Fredric Horowitz, it means that Rodriguez essentially went from the Canyon of Heroes after doing the most to win the Yankees their last World Series in 2009 to South Beach Anthony Bosch.
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When the chief executive of an auto parts chain told the investment management firm that brake pads on U.S. cars were on average the oldest on record, the firm viewed it as a sign that the bunker mentality of the U.S. consumer had reached its limit.
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Kate, who needed hospital treatment after suffering acute morning sickness in the early part of the pregnancy, made her last public appearance on June 15 at the "Trooping the Colour", a military ceremony to mark Queen Elizabeth's official birthday.
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However, in a speech at the University of Central Missouri on Wednesday, Obama said that it was not enough to just lower the cost of student loans, and he promised to lay out a list of "aggressive" ideas by the fall to rein in college costs. "If college costs keep on going up, then there's never going to be enough money," Obama said.
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Bill McCann (l.), founder and president of Dancing Dots, and student Daniel Gillen, 19, demonstrate new technology that helps blind people write music by translating musical notes to Braille at Lighthouse International School in Manhattan on Thursday.
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Cohen has "20 days to respond," another former SEC attorney Teresa Goody, managing director and COO at Kalorama Partners, said on the show. But she said she thought the agency has a "very strong case." She also called it clever, but didn't consider it novel.
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What Serge did not yet know was that Goldman had discovered his downloads just a few days earlier, months after he’d made the first of them. They’d called the F.B.I. in haste, just two days before, and then put their agent through what amounted to a crash course on high-frequency trading and computer programming. McSwain later conceded that he didn’t seek out independent expert advice to study the code Serge Aleynikov had taken. (“I relied on statements from Goldman employees.”) He himself had no idea of the value of the stolen code (“Representatives of Goldman told me it was worth a lot of money”) or if any of it was actually all that special (he based his belief that the code contained trade secrets on “representations made by members of Goldman Sachs”). The agent noted that the Goldman files were on both the personal computer and the thumb drive he’d taken from Serge at Newark Airport. (But virtually none of those files had been opened. If they were so important, why hadn’t Serge looked at them in the month since he’d left Goldman?) The F.B.I.’s investigation before the arrest consisted of trusting Goldman’s explanation of some extremely complicated stuff, and 48 hours after Goldman called the F.B.I., Serge was arrested.
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Given the number of Europa League evenings when the English clubs draw blanks, we've been spoilt rotten tonight. Eight goals and counting... Swansea do their bit as a double from Wayne Routledge and another from Michu give them a commanding 3-0 lead at the break.
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2022年04月13日 04時19分
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2022年04月24日 01時15分
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2022年04月24日 01時15分
Darryl さん
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2022年04月24日 01時15分
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2022年04月24日 02時35分
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2022年04月24日 02時46分
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2022年04月24日 02時46分
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2022年04月24日 02時46分
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2022年04月24日 03時52分
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2022年04月24日 03時52分
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2022年04月24日 03時52分
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2022年04月24日 05時40分
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2022年04月24日 05時40分
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2022年04月24日 05時55分
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2022年04月24日 05時55分
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2022年04月24日 05時55分
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2022年04月24日 06時06分
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2022年04月24日 10時34分
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2022年04月24日 12時23分
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2022年04月25日 01時51分
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2022年04月25日 04時30分
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2022年04月25日 04時30分
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2022年04月25日 05時37分
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2022年04月25日 05時37分
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2022年04月25日 05時53分
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2022年04月25日 12時28分
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2022年04月25日 13時44分
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2022年04月25日 13時44分
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2022年04月29日 19時05分
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2022年04月29日 19時05分
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2022年04月29日 19時30分
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2022年04月29日 19時30分
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2022年04月29日 23時29分
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2022年04月30日 01時22分
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2022年05月05日 10時21分
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2022年05月05日 10時27分
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2022年05月05日 10時27分
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2022年05月05日 10時27分
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2022年05月05日 10時27分
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2022年05月05日 10時35分
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2022年05月05日 17時53分
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2022年05月05日 17時57分
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2022年05月05日 17時57分
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2022年05月05日 17時57分
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2022年05月05日 17時57分
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2022年05月05日 18時02分
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2022年05月05日 18時10分
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2022年05月05日 18時10分
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2022年05月05日 18時10分
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2022年05月06日 01時12分
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2022年05月06日 01時15分
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2022年05月06日 01時15分
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2022年05月06日 01時24分
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2022年05月06日 01時25分
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2022年05月06日 01時25分
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2022年05月06日 01時25分
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2022年05月06日 01時25分
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2022年05月06日 01時28分
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2022年05月06日 01時39分
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2022年05月06日 01時39分
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2022年05月20日 08時05分
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2022年05月20日 09時07分
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2022年05月20日 09時10分
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2022年05月20日 09時10分
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2022年05月20日 09時22分
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2022年05月20日 09時22分
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2022年05月20日 17時25分
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2022年05月21日 14時58分
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2022年05月29日 14時46分
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2022年05月29日 14時55分
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2022年05月29日 16時56分
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2022年05月29日 17時33分
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2022年05月29日 19時28分
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2022年05月29日 19時28分
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2022年05月29日 21時00分
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2022年05月29日 21時00分
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2022年05月29日 21時22分
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2022年05月29日 21時22分
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2022年05月29日 21時22分
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2022年05月29日 21時22分
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2022年05月29日 21時34分
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2022年05月29日 21時35分
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2022年05月29日 21時40分
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2022年05月29日 21時40分
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2022年05月29日 21時40分
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2022年05月29日 21時40分
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2022年05月30日 00時00分
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Mostly, though, the film rails at the idea that raising wages and taxing the top 1 percent is an attack on &ldquo;job creators,&rdquo; insisting that for business to thrive it requires consumers with sufficient income to be able to spend, and the investment of government funding in infrastructure to stimulate more jobs. Cogent arguments, perhaps, so why couldn&rsquo;t the film allow for other points of view on the subject from respectable sources? Instead, by way of discussion, &ldquo;Inequality&rdquo; shows eye-rolling snippets of fatuous comments on Fox News.
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2022年06月22日 06時40分
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